Work and Travel
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Konu: Ciee mülakatlari, 2015 Wat

  1. #1
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Ciee mülakatlari, 2015 Wat

    Merhaba arkadaslar , biliyorsunuz Ciee'nin ilk mülakatı danışmanımdan aldıgım bilgiye göre 25inde baslayacakmıs.. Bu konuyu acmamda amac cıkan sorularda birbirimize yardımcı olmak amaclı.Ben internette önceden arastırdıgım sorular buraya yazacagım.Yeni soru tipi filan varsa mülakattan cıktıktan sonra buraya yazabilsin ve girmeyen arkadaslarımızda bundan faydalansın.

    25-30 Eylülde çıkan sorular:

    1 Where in the U.S. are you most excited to visit and why?
    2 If an American student were to come visit your city, what would you tell them to see and why?
    3 What is a traditional food in your culture? Why is it important? How do you make it?
    4Cleaning is part of most Work and Travel jobs, even if you are not in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with cleaning around your home? How would you feel about cleaning at work?
    5 what doou think is the a common misconception about people of your culture? What do you wish more people knew about your culture?
    6 You have 2 minutes to add any further comments you may have.

    9-14 Ekim çıkan sorular:

    1-what skill do u think that you need to be successful on the wat?
    2-why did u choose your college of study?
    3-have u ever visited the U.S?If not what are the most excited to see or do?
    4-do u like cook?what is your favorite food?
    5-what do u think is funny or what makes u laugh?can u tell me a joke?
    6-You have 2 minutes to add any further comments you may have.

    Yeni Sorular

    1)why do you want to participate in the work and travel usa program?
    2)describe your family?
    3)what did you do last weekend?
    4)have you ever visited in the united states? if so, describe your trip. if not, what are you most excited to see or do?
    5)have you ever helped a friend or a customer solve a problem? tell us about the problem and what you did to help solve it?

    Why do you want to participate in the WAT
    Describe your family
    what did you do last weekend
    Have you ever visited US.If so describe,if not what are you most excited to see or do ?
    have you ever helped friend or solve problem?tell us about

    why do you participate in the work and travel ?
    what skills do you thinkthat you need to be successful on the work and travel usa prag.?
    what would be your favorite jop? ıf you could do any job inthe world,what would you want to do ?
    when youtravel to the united states,what will be the most important thing you will pack in your suitcase?why?
    what is the biggest challange you have ever faced ?

    1. What parts of american culture are you most looking forward to experiencing ?
    2. If ı were ask your friends to decribe you,what would they say ?
    3. what do you plan to do when you graduate from university ?
    4. ıf you won the lottery, what is the first thing that you would do ?
    5. If an american student were to come visit your city what would you tell them to see and why?
    6. simi varsa yorumunuz nerler

    1-what skill do u think that you need to be successful on the wat?
    2-why did u choose your college of study?
    3-have u ever visited the U.S?If not what are the most excited to see or do?
    4-do u like cook?what is your favorite food?
    5-what do u think is funny or what makes u laugh?can u tell me a joke?
    6-eklemek istediginiz bişey varsa ekleyin.(2 dakika süre var)

    Kultur degisiminin neden senin onemli oldugunu
    Hayatin bir film olsa hangi actor actressi oynatirsin nedeni
    Hic bir arkadasinin problemini cozdun mu nedeni
    Amerikada oldugunda karsilasabilicegin en buyuk zorlugun ne olabilicegi
    Hangi spor ya da aktiviteden hoslandigim, yaptigim ve izlemekten keyif aldigimi

    1) wat sana ne kazandırır
    2) işveren seni neden işe alsın
    3)favori yemeğin
    4)doğum gununu nasıl kutladın
    5)seni ne güldürür. şaka söyle

    1)its important to be kind and respectful when you are at work. what would you do if a firend or coworker was not being respectful to you?
    2)what skills do you think that you need to be successful on the WAT program?
    3)what would be your favorite job? ıf you could do any job in the world what would you want to do? 4)what do you enjoy doing in your free time?
    5)describe your family .
    6) yorumunuz varsa ekleyin

    1) Where in the USA are you most excited to visit and why?
    2) Why did you choose your college of study?
    3) Tell us about someone important in your life and why that person is important to you?
    4) What type of music do you like? Who is your favorite singer?
    5) What is the general perception of the USA in your country? What do people from your hometown think of Americans?
    6) Varsa yorumlarınızı eklemek için 2 dakikanız var...

    1. What is most important to you about your experience in the U.S?
    2. What makes you angry? What makes you happy?
    3. If a movie being made of your life and you could choose the actor/actress to play you, who would you choose and why?
    4. Describe a typical day for you.
    5. Cleaning is part of most Work&travel jobs, even if you are not in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with cleaning around your home? How you feel about cleaning at work?
    6. Şimdi varsa yorumlarınızı eklemek için 2 dakikanız var.

    1-Where in the U.S. are you most excited to visit and why?
    2-what do you plan to do when you graduate from university ?
    3-Football and baseball are popular sports in the United States.Which spor tor activities do you like to play or watch?
    4-If you could travel to only one place in the world, where would it be and why ?
    5-its important to be kind and respectful when you are at work. what would you do if a firend or coworker was not being respectful to you?
    6-Şimdi varsa yorumlarınızı eklemek için 2 dakikanız var.

    1)why do you want to participate in the work and travel usa program?
    2) Why did you choose your college of study?
    3)What qualities do you have that would make an employer in the USA want to hire you?
    4) what do your firends and famili think about your participation in the W&T PROGRAM ?
    5)If an american student were to come visit your city what would you tell them to see and why?

    what is the biggest challenge you have ever faced?
    -When you travel to the united states , What will be the most important thing you wil lpack in your suitcase ? Why ?
    -Where in the US are you most important excited to visit an d why
    -Cleaning is part of most work and travel job seven if you are not in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with c leaning around your home ? How would you feeling cleaning at work ?
    -what do u do free time.

    1- what skills do you hope to gain by participating in the WAT program?
    2- tell us about something you are passionate about in your life and enjoy doing?
    3- what make you angry? what makes you happy?
    4- describe your family?
    5- it is important to be kingand respectful when you are at work. what would you do if a friend or a coworker was not being respectful to you?

    1)Why is cultural exchange important to you?
    2)Have you ever helped a friend or a customer solve a problem? Tell us about the problem and what you did to help solve it.
    3)If you won the lottery, what is the first thing that you would do?
    4)What is a traditional food in your culture? Why is it important? How do you make it?
    5)What is the general perception of the U.S. in your home country? What do people from your hometown think of Americans?

    1- what skills do you hope to gain by participating in the WAT USA program?
    2-why is cultural exchange important to you?
    3-what do you olan to do when you graduate from university?
    4-do you participate in any clubs or activities? If so describe them. If not what do you do in your free times ?
    5-have you ever helped a friend or a customer solve a problem ? Tell me about the problem and what yo you did to help this problem ?


    what was the last movie that you watched?what was the movie about ?
    why are you a good candidate for the WAT program ?
    tell us about someone important in your life and why that person is important to you?
    if you could meet one famous person who would it be and why?
    describe something that you do well.
    What skills do you think that you need to be succesful on the work and travel USA program?

    What made you want to apply for Work and Travel program in the USA?
    Where in the USA are you most excited to visit and why?
    Describe a typical day for you.
    Tell us about someting you are passionate about in your life and enjoy doing.
    What qualities do you have that would make an employer in the USA want to hire you?

    What is your favorite book and movie and why?
    If i were to ask your friends to describe you what would they say?
    What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
    What is most important to you about your experience in the USA?
    You have 2 minutes to add any further comments you may have.
    Give us an exampleof a goal you have set and how you achieved it.
    What is the biggest challenge you have every faced ?
    What is your favorite Holiday and how do you celebrate ?

    How has your education prepared you for your career/this position?
    In what ways have your college experiences prepared you for a career?
    What are your strengths/ weaknesses?
    Provide an example of your ability to work independently.
    Tell me about a time when you have managed a task while under pressure.
    What have you accomplished during your academic career that you are most proud of?

    Tell me about a time you have had to use your problem solving skills.
    I'm interested in hearing about the last time you took a risk. What was it and in retrospect, was it the right decision?
    Tell me about a work situation you had that required excellent communication
    What two accomplishments have given you the most satisfaction?
    How do you think a friend or professor who knows you well would describe you?
    If you could do so, how would you plan your academic studies differently?

    Why should we hire you?
    Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others.
    What attracted you to this position?
    How do you think you can contribute to our organization?
    What is a challenge that you recently encountered, and how did you deal with it?
    How do you ensure effective communication?
    What specific skills do you feel you bring to this position without having (much) fulltime work experience?

    Describe a situation in which you had to work with a difficult person (another
    student, co-worker, customer, supervisor, etc.
    How did you handle the situation? Is there anything you would have done
    differently in hindsight?
    What have you learned from participation in extracurricular activities?
    What is a challenge that you recently encountered, and how did you deal with it?
    Konu mustafaceylan tarafından (10-01-2015 Saat 03:14 AM ) değiştirilmiştir.

  2. #2
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Güzel konu olmuş. Girecek arkadaşlara başarılar şimdiden.

  3. #3
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    güzel konu. ilk girenlerden itibaren paylaşmaya başlayalım soruları. Her hafta farklı sorular soruluyormuş

  4. #4
    TW Üstün Hizmet Watçısı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Oct 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    mulakatlara girmeden once youtube da job interviews gibi konularada bakabilirsiniz faydali olacagini dusunuyorum,,,

  5. #5
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Evet arkadaslar, bu geceden itibaren mülakat başıyor. Danısmanım salı günü biteceğini söyledi. Mülakattan sonra soruları yazalım yardımlasalım..

  6. #6
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    ben sordum danışmanıma yine ciee sponsorlu bi firma
    attığı mail

    " belli bir tarih yok. Ama tahmini söyleyeyim. Ekim sonu kasim başı olur. "

  7. #7
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Galiba şirketten şirkete değişen bir durum. Bana email geldi ve son gün salı

  8. #8
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    mülakattan sonra soruları paylaşabilir misin @mustafaceylan

  9. #9
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Bende giriyorum şimdi testleri yaptım. Umarım kazık sormazlar.

  10. #10
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    hadi kolay gelsin geçersiniz inş.

  11. #11
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    1 hak daha var zaten ondan rahatım birazda

  12. #12
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı GöKHaN 35 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    Bende giriyorum şimdi testleri yaptım. Umarım kazık sormazlar.
    Kolay gelsin başarılar

  13. #13
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı GöKHaN 35 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    Bende giriyorum şimdi testleri yaptım. Umarım kazık sormazlar.
    Test? Cıktıktan sonra sistemi biraz anlatabilir misin Gökhan. Ben henüz girmedim.

  14. #14
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Yeni sorular buldum arkadaşlar düzenledim. Umarım yardımcı olur..

  15. #15
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Arkadaşlar ben girdim mülakata inşallah güzel bir sonuç alırım. Soruları paylaşacağım birazdan

  16. #16
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    1 Where in the U.S. are you most excited to visit and why?
    2 If an American student were to come visit your city, what would you tell them to see and why?
    3 What is a traditional food in your culture? Why is it important? How do you make it?
    4Cleaning is part of most Work and Travel jobs, even if you are not in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with cleaning around your home? How would you feel about cleaning at work?
    5 what doou think is the a common misconception about people of your culture? What do you wish more people knew about your culture?
    6 iki dakika eklemek istediğin düşünce var mı;;?

    Bence sorular özellkle son ikisi oldukça zordu çevirebilmeko anda ve bir de cevap verebilmek olddukça zor oluyor. arada takılmalar yaşadım tekrarlama ve biraz ııı lama ama son soruda iyi konuştum sanırım iyi olur inşallah sonuç

  17. #17
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    4 ve 5. sorular biraz zor gibi. Gökhan arkadasımızada aynı soruları sormuslar. Umarım banada bu sorular gelir. Günden güne değişmezler

  18. #18
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    oha harbi zormuş sorular. 4. ve 5. sorular nedir yaw. öyle soru mu olur insaf allah aşkına. türkçesini bile aklımda zor toparlıyorum.

  19. #19
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    vitaller, dostum geçip geçemediğini de açıklanınca yazarmısın.

  20. #20
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Bu hafta girenlere bu sorular sordular sanırım

    Video yu danışmana izlettim güzel falan dedi umarım geçerim

    Perşembe günü sonuclar belli olacakmış

  21. #21
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Aug 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı salih0016 Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    vitaller, dostum geçip geçemediğini de açıklanınca yazarmısın.
    evet tabiki

  22. #22
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Sep 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Merhaba arkadaşlar ben de dün gece mülakatımı tamamladım. Sorular önceki postlarda belirtilenin aynısı çıktı. Bence gayet makul sorular vardı özellikle 2. Ve 5. Soru hakkında dolu dolu konuşulabilecek sorulardı. Umarım hepimiz olumlu bir geri dönüş alırız.

  23. #23
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Banada aynı sorular geldi arkadaslar. Umarım hepimiz geçeriz.

  24. #24
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jun 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Banada aynıları çıktı zordu bencede.danısmanım upper veya advanced verirler seviyene diyor ama ben pek emin olamadım :/umarım iyi sonuclar alırız.

    Alıntı vitaller Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    1 Where in the U.S. are you most excited to visit and why?
    2 If an American student were to come visit your city, what would you tell them to see and why?
    3 What is a traditional food in your culture? Why is it important? How do you make it?
    4Cleaning is part of most Work and Travel jobs, even if you are not in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with cleaning around your home? How would you feel about cleaning at work?
    5 what doou think is the a common misconception about people of your culture? What do you wish more people knew about your culture?
    6 iki dakika eklemek istediğin düşünce var mı;;?

    Bence sorular özellkle son ikisi oldukça zordu çevirebilmeko anda ve bir de cevap verebilmek olddukça zor oluyor. arada takılmalar yaşadım tekrarlama ve biraz ııı lama ama son soruda iyi konuştum sanırım iyi olur inşallah sonuç
    Konu Tktugba tarafından (02-10-2014 Saat 10:40 PM ) değiştirilmiştir.

  25. #25
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Mesaj geldi mülakatı geçmişim.

  26. #26
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Bende geçmişim

  27. #27
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Oct 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    merhaba arkadaşlar banada aynı sorular geldi fakat bugün aldığım bilgiyle kalmış bulunmaktayım 2. kez deneyeceğim neden geçemediğimi anlamadım ,danışmanada bayram dolayısıyla ulaşamadım ,benden başka kalan var mı ? birde 2. de kalırsak sanırım gidemiyoruz ,biraz streslendim .

  28. #28
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Oct 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı emredr Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    merhaba arkadaşlar banada aynı sorular geldi fakat bugün aldığım bilgiyle kalmış bulunmaktayım 2. kez deneyeceğim neden geçemediğimi anlamadım ,danışmanada bayram dolayısıyla ulaşamadım ,benden başka kalan var mı ? birde 2. de kalırsak sanırım gidemiyoruz ,biraz streslendim .
    bu arada 2. mülakatlar önümüzdeki perşembe başlayacakmış arkadaşlar bayramdan sonra ki ilk perşembeden salıya kadar.

  29. #29
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı emredr Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    merhaba arkadaşlar banada aynı sorular geldi fakat bugün aldığım bilgiyle kalmış bulunmaktayım 2. kez deneyeceğim neden geçemediğimi anlamadım ,danışmanada bayram dolayısıyla ulaşamadım ,benden başka kalan var mı ? birde 2. de kalırsak sanırım gidemiyoruz ,biraz streslendim .
    Üzüldüm durumuna biraz daha sıkı çalışırsan yaparsın bence. 2. kez de geçemezsen program iptal oluyor. Umudunu kaybetme.

  30. #30
    Acemi Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Oct 2014
    Tecrübe Puanı


    4 ve 5. soruda tam olarak ne demek istiyor ?
    4Cleaning is part of most Work and Travel jobs, even if you are not in a housekeeping position. Do you help out with cleaning around your home? How would you feel about cleaning at work?

    5 what doou think is the a common misconception about people of your culture? What do you wish more people knew about your culture?

Konu Bilgileri

Bu Konuya Gözatan Kullanıcılar

Şu anda 1 kullanıcı bu konuyu görüntülüyor. (0 kayıtlı ve 1 misafir)

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