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Konu: Finding places to sleep in your car :)

  1. #1
    Üyelik tarihi
    Nov 2007
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Finding places to sleep in your car :)

    ABD'de arabada rahatça uyuyabilmeniz için fazla göz önünde bulunmamanız gerekiyor.

    İnternette yaptığım araştırmalar sonucunda bu konuyu detaylı bir şekilde ele almış bir site ile karşılaştım.
    Sleeping in your car is one of those irregular activities that most Americans are not psychologically prepared for. If you are, the principle impediment is getting past those who aren't. It's better to avoid situations in which you need to try to explain "We're just sleeping in our car, Officer." Officer gets a two week vacation every year, and his family sleeps atg the Motel 6 at Orlando. Drug dealers sleep in their car. So the challenge of finding a place to sleep in your car is not finding a safe place, but finding a place where you will not seem eccentric and therefore dangerous. Don't worry about your safety--just a little common sense, and you'll be as safe in your car as in your bedroom. Maybe safer---you can drive your car away from a prowler. Here are some ideas about where to park your car overnight and get a good night's sleep.
    Public parking lots. These should be used as last resort, or if you find yourself in an urban area where there are no isolated camping locations. You will not attract very much attention parking overnight in Hospital or small Airport parking lots, and Commuter Car-pool parking lots at freeway exits. You are also unlikely to be disturbed in the parking lots of big motels or all-night restaurants or truck stops. The down-side of all these is the lights and traffic, so they should be used as a last resort, or if it gets too dark to find anything else. Some people recommend school or church parking lots, but they are more likely to be patrolled, with an overnight parked car more conspicuous.
    WAL-MARTS, etc. Wal-Mart stores became famous as havens for RVers on the move, but it's not universal. Some Wal-Marts share a parking lot with other mall tenants, and the lot may have a sign prohibiting overnight parking (e.g., Traverse City MI). On the other extreme, I saw about 30 RVs in the WalMart lot in Perry, GA early one morning. If RVers are already there, just make yourself at home. If not, the store is probably open until 9 or 10 pm---ask at the courtesy desk. In theory, this should work as well at any supermarket, too, as welll as the other chains like K-Mart. However, in my opinion, a truck stop would be a better choice. A truck stop parking lot is less likely to have local smart-alecs cruising through, and a parked vehicle is less conspicuous in the wee hours. And the white noise of a large number of trucks idling together is pretty easy to sleep through.
    Sportsmen's areas. All-around, probably the best thing to look for. Most states maintain public Boat-ramps, often signposted as `Public Access', where fishermen can put their boats in the water. Some people fish at night, so a car there is not suspicious. Some states also have public hunting and fishing areas, signposted on the highway. There is likely to be some parking space. Stop at a store that sells Ammo and ask somebody local about the possibilities. I've even slept unchallenged in a boat-dock area within a state park, within a mile of the $16 campground.
    Roadside Rest Areas are an obvious choice, and truckers sleep there with impunity. It's perfectly legal in quite a few states, and you are unlikely to be hassled in any state. Be prepared to fish out your ID in case the police check up on you. Xerox your ID and car registration, and put it in view on your dashboard, which might be enough for a routine patrol. These are excellent choices in Texas, where they are abundant and perfectly legal, and there's a suspicious populace elsewhere.
    Farm roads are just fine in truly rural areas, but not very useful east of the Mississippi, where "farms" are inhabited by city commuters. Find a dirt road that looks fairly neglected and just pull over far enough for the unlikely car to get by. Such places are very hard to find in hilly country, but between the Mississippi and the Rockies, they're all you'll ever need.
    Private Commercial properties are often quite useful. Gravel pits and Logging roads are generally good. A good clue to their existence is that yellow highway sign "Trucks Entering Highway". Drive gingerly---nobody uses them except high-axle trucks. But parking lots or work yards for private businesses or industries are certain to be patrolled by private security.
    NUISANCES Insects Mosquitoes are a real problem. They are the worst on the Atlantic seaboard and the Mississippi and Ohio River valleys. In most places west of the Great Plains, mosquitoes are much less of a problem, but can still be troublesome if you make an unlukcy camping choice. Try duct-taping screening material over the inside of one or two windows frames, but few vehicles have a nice surface where this will work. Burning mosquito coils works pretty well, but don't set them on the dashborad (the fumes will gum up the windshield) or in a place where you might knock it over in the night and start a fire. Mammals Any raccoon that is inclined to ransack your car has already re-located in a State Park campground, where they have good pickings, immunity from harassment, and are accustomed to humans. Very unlikely they will bother you in a place where nobody has ever left an open picnic cooler out all night. Consider bears to be a danger if the habitat is appropriate for them. Think about what you might step on if you get out of your car barefoot in the night: Rattlesnakes may find the space under your hot car very comfortable as night falls, but again, only a danger in their habitat. People People are like raccoons: If they're looking for someone to prey upon, they will go to where the pickings are better than in a gravel pit. After so many nights of being completely ignored, we now often sleep with the sliding door of our minivan open for that nice outdoorsy atmosphere. But, in other places, we lock up securely. Just depends on the feel we have for the place. Weather Before you settle in for the night, visualize where you are after a big rain-storm. Can you get out?
    A FEW OTHER NOTES Wherever you are, prepare an explanation that fits the circumstances, in case your presence is challenged. At a small-town airport, you could say you received an emergency message from home, and you might have to charter a light plane in the morning. At a road-side rest area, tell the police your car blew a fuse and you thought it best to not drive until morning. In any case, plan ahead and groom yourself so you do not look like a dispreputable character, and see to it that a search of your car will not yield any drugs, guns, alcohol, porn, etc. Never block access by any vehicles that might legitimately need to get by. Leave the key in the ignition and the drivers seat free, in case you have to leave in a hurry.

    KAYNAK :

  2. #2
    Profesyonel Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jun 2007
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Bende diyorum bana neden garip garip bakıyor bu dingiller
    piskolojik olarak hzır değillermiş

  3. #3
    Wat Profesörü
    Üyelik tarihi
    May 2007
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Ben de tam bunu arıyordum Polis arabada uyumayı bırakın yolda bir kenarda otursanız bile noooluyo burda edasıyla geliyor hemen. Zaten bildigim kadarıyla yasal da degil arabada uyumak. Ama bir gece icin birkac saat kestirmek icin hostel-otel-motele 60-70$ bayılmak da Türk aklıyla akıl karı da degil hani. Gidebilirsem büyük ihtimalle arabada uyuyanlardan birisi de ben olucam. Ty for the subject...

  4. #4
    Uzman Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    May 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    oooo USA ye git arabada uyma olurmu öle şey ya illaki uyucaz
    Don't Give up

  5. #5
    Deneyimli Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Apr 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    banyo wc diş fırçalama gibi su ile bağlantılı aktiviteleri nerde yapmayı düşünüyorsunuz,egzaust dumanıyla mı ?
    sucks !

  6. #6
    Wat Profesörü
    Üyelik tarihi
    Mar 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı TurTa Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    banyo wc diş fırçalama gibi su ile bağlantılı aktiviteleri nerde yapmayı düşünüyorsunuz,egzaust dumanıyla mı ?
    uyunsada orda aylarca kalıcak halımız yok
    sehırlerarası yolda gece uykun geldımı kestır 3-4 saat yolu yardırarak dvm et

  7. #7
    Araştırmacı Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Apr 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Ya hakkaten bu amerıka degısık bıyer ben kasabada calısıyom aksam bı yuruyeyım dedım mıllet hep bana bakıyo cunku mılletın hepsı araba kullanıyo yası tuttan arabayı altına alıyo hemen ,arabalarında masaallahhı var hep jıp benzın sudan ucuz gercekten 500 ml su 1 $, benzının galonu 4 dolar cıvarı:d,yorumu sıze bırakıyom.

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