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Konu: Turkish students stuck in Galveston without jobs, suitable housing

  1. #1
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2008
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Standart Turkish students stuck in Galveston without jobs, suitable housing


  2. #2

  3. #3
    Profesyonel Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    alltaki yorumlar ilginçmiş hakkaten. amerikalıların açısından bakınca, orda bir sürü işsiz insan varken bizim gidip orda çalışmamız mantıksız gerçekten. ama bunu söyleyelenler şunu bilmiyorlar ki bunu kendi hükümetleri organize ediyor ve ekonomik yararları bir kenara özellikle politik açıdan bu durumdan çok büyük kar sağlıyor. özellikle eski komünist ve komünizm tehlikesi altındaki ülkelerin gençlerine 3 ay gibi kısa bir sürede amerikan yaşam tarzının iyi taraflarını göstererek onların kafalarını yıkıyorlar. dünyadaki politik hakimiyetlerini kültürel görünümlü araçlarla sağlamlaştırıyorlar.

    ordaki arkadaşların durumuna da üzüldüm gerçekten. ben de geçen sene galveston'a gitmiştim ve onların yaşadıkları kadar olmasa da bazı sorunlar yaşamıştım. yine de adada iş ve konaklama açısından bazı imkanlar mevcut. zamanla her şey yoluna girer umarım onlar için.

  4. #4
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jul 2008
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Virginia eyaletinde yabanci isci calisma yuzdesini dusurduler ekonomik kriz nedeniyle.Bu yuzden cogu ogrenci issiz ama su var bu yasayi cikarmalarina ragmen neden bu ogrencilere vize veriyorlar ilginc ...

  5. #5
    Uçuşa Hazır Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Feb 2008
    Tecrübe Puanı


    su yorum cok enteresan geldi bana :

    worldman said on July 1, 2010 at 7:07 PM

    ''Send them back home. We do not want them here. Who cares about them when the unemployment rate is so high. This is stupid and a good example of how bad our system is for giving visa's to them to work when they had no jobs. This does not happen in other countries.''

    ozellikle '' a good example of how bad our system is for giving visa'a to them to rowk when they had no jobs. This does not happen in other countries.''

    bence bunu birileri dikkate alip su ucguzar w&t sirketlerinin derslerini vermeli. Tabii birileri derken ABD tarafindan bahsediyorum.

  6. #6
    TW Üstün Hizmet Watçısı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Oct 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Kim yalancı ?

  7. #7
    Profesyonel Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jan 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Alıntı beysinCDA Nickli Üyeden Alıntı Mesajı göster
    Kim yalancı ?
    büyük ihtimalle haberde ismi geçen şirket yalancı. eğer öğrenciler 1000 dolardan yüksek bir ücret vermişlerse şirkete ki orda öyle yazıyor, anlaşmaları full placamenttır. self placement paketleri 1000 dolardan düşük olur. bu durumda arkadaşların işsiz ve evsiz kalmalarının tek sebebi onları gönderen firmadır.

  8. #8
    Deneyimli Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Nov 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı


    Ben de tam metni ekleyeyim de haber silinebilir daha sonra okumak isteyenler için bulması kolay gelsin.

    Bir de gerçekten bu sene wat'ta çok fazla işsizlik sorunu oldu. Bunun nedeni kriz midir şirketlerin ve sponsorların dolandırıcılığından dolayı mıdır bilemiyorum.

    Galveston: Turkish students stuck on the island without jobs, suitable housing
    by Rhiannon Meyers / The Daily News
    Posted on July 1, 2010 at 8:53 AM
    Updated Thursday, Jul 1 at 4:50 PM

    GALVESTON, Texas — Almost two dozen Turkish college students said they paid more than $1,000 to work and live in Galveston for the summer but arrived last week to discover they had no jobs and no suitable accommodations.

    Officials with the Turkish agency with whom the students contracted, and officials with the agency’s American partner, said the case might be a misunderstanding on the part of the students about what they were promised.

    The students said they paid Turkish company Global Vizyon to provide them with jobs and nice living conditions, and they got neither. The owner of Global Vizyon said the students misunderstood that they had signed up for a program to find their own jobs and own lodging, although the company agreed to provide them with a Galveston representative to help them.

    "The work-and-travel program by nature is a program that students may live some hard times within two weeks of their arrival," owner Deniz Akar said. "We believe the problems will be sorted out as soon as possible."

    The 22 students, who range in age from 19 to 22, have been sharing two apartments at Island Bay apartments, 7400 Jones Road, since Sunday, when they moved out of the Surf Motel, 928 Ave. M, where rooms with two beds rent for $55 per night.

    By Wednesday, only about half of them had found jobs.

    The students, who speak limited English, said they paid Global Vizyon more than $1,000 to place them in jobs and find them lodging in the United States between June and September. Airfare cost extra.

    They arrived to find they had no jobs.

    Numan Oezguen, a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Texas Medical Branch who volunteers with Global Vizyon, set the students up in the Surf Motel. He declined to comment.

    Akar said he’s heard no complaints from the students.

    He said they paid for job placement, counseling and work visas, but lodging was a separate expense. Akar said Oezguen helped place the students in Galveston, and the manager of the Surf Motel said Oezguen surveyed the rooms before setting up accommodations for the students.

    Akar said the students were not promised jobs; rather, the company told them Oezguen would help them find jobs.

    "They are not trying to find jobs themselves," Akar wrote in an e-mail. "In fact, Mr. Numan is helping them on this issue, and 11 of them already started to work. The motel was organized by him, and now he is taking them (to) another accommodation."

    Akar said Oezguen is a Global Vizyon volunteer whose Istanbul-resident sister participated in the work-travel program in Galveston last year.

    A representative for Austin-based Alliance Abroad Group, the American company that partners with Global Vizyon to bring Turkish students to the United States for summer work, said her company also is receiving different reports about what has happened to the students placed in Galveston.

    Alliance Abroad Group’s associate vice president of programs, Laurie Moxley, said the company is sending its senior program manager to Galveston today to straighten out the situation and to help the students find jobs and suitable accommodations. Alliance Abroad Group officials were made aware of the situation Monday, she said.

    "We care very much about the experience our participants are having," she said. "Galveston is a very popular destination for our international participants. We currently have many students placed in the area with trusted and valued local host companies."

    The students say they flew into Houston at different times and days during the past week and caught cabs to Galveston, where they were taken to the Surf Motel.

    Dissatisfied with the conditions at the motel, a handful of students set out to find a different place to live and ended up at Island Bay apartments, where they met leasing agent Dianna Taylor.

    She said the students begged her to allow them to stay there, even though she couldn’t provide them with furnished apartments.

    At first, she declined to house them, but she changed her mind Sunday after visiting the Surf Motel, she said. She instructed the students to pack their bags, and she and her friends helped move them into two apartments at Island Bay.

    The owner of Surf Motel was not in the office Wednesday, but manager Kailash Patel said she doesn’t understand why the students left suddenly Sunday.

    She said Oezguen approved the rooms before the students arrived.

    Patel said other tourists who stay there have no problems with the rooms.

    Moxley said the students’ dilemmas might be a product of miscommunication.

    Working together, Global Vizyon and Alliance Abroad Group provide two separate work-travel options: students are either provided with lodging and jobs in America for the summer or, for a cheaper price, they are flown to America, given visas and told to find their own jobs and lodging.

    Moxley said that, of the 31 Turkish college students sent to Galveston, only six were registered for the job-placement program, in which Alliance Abroad Group provides them jobs working at Golden Corral, the San Luis Resort and Rainforest Café. The other 25 were supposed to find their own jobs and lodging, with the help of Oezguen, she said.

    It seems, though, that the students didn’t understand that.

    "They did not tell me I have to find my own job," Orkun Ekmen, 21, said.

    As Ekmen and the others apply for jobs around town, they are quickly running out of money, they said.

    Many brought $500 and already have spent most of that on lodging at the Surf Motel, food and bicycles to get around town.

    "We wait and wait for a job, and our money is finishing up," Candan Akdag said.

    As of Wednesday, seven women were splitting a two-bedroom furnished penthouse apartment above the management office at Island Bay, while 15 men were sharing an unfurnished two-bedroom apartment in the same complex.

    Alliance Abroad Group will work to find the students furnished apartments and job placements, Moxley said.

    The company has contacted Galveston companies that typically hire work-travel students to see if they will hire the Turkish students who have been unable to find jobs.

    If unsuccessful in Galveston, Alliance Abroad Group will search for other places to send the students to work for the summer, Moxley said.

    This the first instance of reported problems with the Turkish work-travel program in Galveston, Sukran Aydogmus, a consular officer for the Turkish Consulate General in Houston, said Wednesday.

    Moxley said this summer more than 200 foreign students are participating in work-travel programs in Galveston, which is a popular destination for students from Turkey, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova.

    Because of the poor economy, fewer students were placed in jobs this year and more were required to find jobs on their own, Moxley said.
    benelli said on July 5, 2010 at 10:24 PMThey must not have read the newspaper before they left home, we don't have any extra jobs here right now. Oh wait, I do have an opening for a couple of FEMALE Turkish Belly Dancers.

    griff62 said on July 2, 2010 at 7:31 AMUsed to anyone getting a visa had to have a job or sponsor , to insure that they would not be a drain on the taxpayers.Can see now why they need to go back to it .

    alankey said on July 1, 2010 at 10:06 PMI think they just misunderstood that July 4th ISN'T Turkey day

    rich3910 said on July 1, 2010 at 7:25 PM1usa1 very good on the welfare.

    worldman said on July 1, 2010 at 7:07 PMSend them back home. We do not want them here. Who cares about them when the unemployment rate is so high. This is stupid and a good example of how bad our system is for giving visa's to them to work when they had no jobs. This does not happen in other countries.

    2papi said on July 1, 2010 at 5:20 PMWELCOME TO TEXAS!

    raymon said on July 1, 2010 at 11:45 AM This ought to be against the law! If there are any jobs around, the people getting welfare should have to take them or lose their free check!1usa1 said on

    July 1, 2010 at 10:25 AMI bet their neighbors are just thrilled having 22 men living in 2 tiny apartments.

    1usa1 said on July 1, 2010 at 10:11 AMAnd this is our problem how?lbrando said on July 1, 2010 at 10:05 AMThings don't add up. They also don't know much English. Why would you go to work in a country that is not familiar with your language. You can find anyone in a crowd who can translate Spanish but who knows how to speak turkey, or whatever they speak. That would be the scary part to me, hope they get it straightened out soon. And how much money did they think that they were going to make in a broke country, especially going to Galveston to work in hotels and restaurants. I hope they were not thinking that they were going to get rich quick, that would be a definate miscommunication !!!

    dannyboy13 said on July 1, 2010 at 10:04 AMSounds like a scam. Its someones job to make money off of these kids.

    highballing said on July 1, 2010 at 9:58 AMWhy bring people from other country's here for jobs when US citizens can not find a job?A dumb move.

    drane_devane said on July 1, 2010 at 9:56 AMlets get q-tip to galveston and yell racism. they'll get jobs,rooms at the galvez and a full refund

    mrtommynazi said on July 1, 2010 at 9:48 AMHow can these Turks get Visas but it is nearly impossible for other people to get one?

    wildcard777 said on July 1, 2010 at 9:32 AMMisunderstanding? Something just doesn't seem right here. I would hate to be one of those students.
    Konu solakbeyi tarafından (07-07-2010 Saat 06:01 PM ) değiştirilmiştir.

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