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Konu: f1 vizesi mulakat sorulari

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  1. #1
    Hayalperest Watçı
    Üyelik tarihi
    Jun 2009
    Tecrübe Puanı

    Thumbs up f1 vizesi mulakat sorulari


    * Why the specified University.
    * Which Universities did you apply to (both admits and rejects).
    * Show me your GRE scorecard.
    * Where did you Undergraduate from.
    * Who is sponsoring you.
    * What does your father do.
    * What is your father's Income.
    * How many brothers and sisters do you have.
    * Do you have any relatives in USA.
    * Why don't you do this course in your country?
    * What will you do after completing MS.
    * Show your Experience Certificate.
    * Why Study in USA.
    * Did you got Scholarships.
    * Have you got any Loans.
    * Show your Pass Books/Bank statements.
    * What is your Undergraduate GPA/Percentage..
    * Parents retired? How will they pay.
    * Tell about your university.
    * Mention some professor names
    * Tell me how can you prove that you are gonna come back ...
    * Where did your brother/parents completed their studies.
    * What's your Religion.
    * Why are you leaving your current job?
    * Have you ever been to US?
    * What will you do after coming back to Home.
    * You have so...brothers and sisters so your fathers saving is for all how will u finance..
    * Where do your parents live (If they live in USA).
    * Do you know anyone (in USA) in your University?
    * Do you know anyone in US?
    * What will you do if your Visa is rejected.
    * Will you come back to home during summers.
    * What do you think. Why University is giving Scholarship to you...

    Konu kadrdmr tarafından (30-06-2009 Saat 01:46 AM ) değiştirilmiştir.

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Şu anda 1 kullanıcı bu konuyu görüntülüyor. (0 kayıtlı ve 1 misafir)

Benzer Konular

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